Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are required.
Name *
Username *
Password *
Verify password *
Email *
Verify email *


Can I pay electronically or by Direct Debit? 

The office will let you have our bank details and you can easily make an electronic payment from your bank to ours. However, we do not offer a Direct Debit payment scheme.

Can I pay by monthly Direct Debit?

No. Subscriptions must be paid for twelve months in advance. Our tennis year runs from April to March and Squash from September to August.  If you join mid-year for your chosen sport you will still pay for a full twelve month subscription but your renewal will then be at the anniversary date of your month of joining.

Can I pay in instalments?

No, our subscriptions have to be paid for a full twelve month period in advance. However, if you have a personal credit card you may pay using that and then at your choice spread the cost of your annual subscription.

Can I pay by Debit or Credit Card?

Yes, you can. If you wish to do this please email the Office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. who will send you the necessary online link

Where do I send the cheque and renewal form to? 

We no longer accept payment by checques or cash.

How do I know my membership payment has been received and processed, or see details of my membership?

You can view all your subscriptions by logging in to the Sheen website, selecting 'My Profile' from the top menu and 'My account' from the drop down list.

What happens if I spot a mistake in a payment I made in a previous year?

Please email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will resolve this promptly for you

Do you operate a 'pay and play' scheme for non-members? 

As this is a members' club, we do not offer that facility.